Why should I have a lung cancer screening?
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in America. According to the American Cancer Society, most lung cancer patients are diagnosed in the late stages of the disease and most of them are past or current smokers. If lung cancer is caught before it spreads, there is a 60% improved likelihood of surviving 5 years or more. Through the new low dose CT lung cancer screening program with Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, our goal is to screen at risk patients and detect lung cancer in the early stages. New guidelines for annual screenings can improve the chances of early detection and reduce death by at least 20%. Surviving lung cancer often begins with a scan.
Who should be screened?
Eligibility for Low Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening:
- Current or former smoker who quit within the last 15 years.
- Ages 50-77 (Medicare)
- Ages 50-80 (Commercial Payers)
- 20 pack years or more smoking history
- Multiply how many years smoked x how many packs/day= pack years
- No current symptoms/health exclusions
Visit our Pack Years Calculator page to see if you should get screened.
Do I need my doctor to order the exam?
A physician’s order is required for a CT screening. Make an appointment with your primary care physician to discuss the benefits and risks of having a lung cancer screening exam.
For more information regarding the lung cancer screening program or to see if you are eligible contact (661)-200-1332.