The Radiologists of Tower Imaging Valencia have a long history of providing excellence in ultrasound imaging. We perform expanded ultrasound applications. Our state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment provides improved image quality, and an improved overall patient experience.
Many different types of ultrasound procedures are performed at Tower Imaging Valencia. Some of these include evaluation of the abdomen, including the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and appendix; the pelvis, including uterus and ovaries; duplex doppler vascular studies, including leg veins, carotid artery and aorta; thyroid; scrotum and pediatric imaging.
Organ biopsies are frequently performed with ultrasound imaging guidance. Tower Imaging Valencia Radiologists routinely perform biopsies of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes.
Ultrasound imaging, also known as sonography, is a safe and painless radiologic imaging study. Ultrasound utilizes high frequency sound waves, without radiation, to generate images of the internal structures of the body. The reflected sound wave echoes are recorded and displayed as a visual image.
Preparing for an Ultrasound depends on the type of exam the patient is having.
For an abdominal exam, the patient must not eat or drink for 8 hours prior to the exam, except for medications, as instructed by their primary physician, with a small amount of water.
For pelvic exams, the patient needs to drink 32 oz of water 30 minutes prior to the exam and must avoid emptying the bladder for the best images to be captured.
The patient will lie on a comfortable table while a technologist performs the exam. A handheld device, called an ultrasound probe or transducer, will be moved on the surface of the skin in the area of interest after a liquid gel is placed on the probe and/or the skin. For certain ultrasound exams, specialized internal probes are used. For example, an endo vaginal probe is used for most pelvic exams to create the most detailed images of the uterus and ovaries.
The patient can eat and resume normal activity. One of our Radiologists will interpret the ultrasound exam and send the results to the patient’s physician.
Ultrasound Valencia – Tower Imaging Valencia
23929 McBean Pkwy, Ste. 109
Valencia, CA 91355